As many of you are set to graduate in May of 2024, we are excited to get you to the finish line!
Student Success, the Academic Support Team & CCPD invites you to an APPRECIATION DAY & ACADEMIC CHECK OPEN TO THE CLASS OF 2024 & THE FALL 2020 COHORT!
The following schools will be hosting OPEN DROP IN HOURS FOR SENIORS! Administrative Staff are ready to assist student with their academic timeline and pathway will have OPEN OFFICE HOURS from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
The School of Science, Polymer Center, 1107
- ITWS, Lally Hall 202/3
The School of Engineering
- Engineering HUB, JEC 3306
- ECSE Support, JEC 6007
- MANE Support, JEC 2012
The Lally School of Management, Pittsburg Building
The School of HASS, Sage 4303 Make a virtual appointment here.
Center for Career and Professional Development will have OPEN DROP-IN HOURS from 1:00p.m. – 4:30 p.m. for SENIORS! Career Counselors will be available to critique resumes, assist seniors with their job search and much, much more!
Looking for answers & not sure where to go!? Class Dean, Mary McCarthy, and ALAC will be tabling on the 3rd floor of the DCC next to Starbucks from 1:00 p.m.-4:40 p.m.
Have questions about outstanding Arch requirements? Assistant Director Shayna Hill will be available on the 3rd floor of the DCC from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. to answer any questions!
Please contact Mary McCarthy at McCarm5@rpi.edu with any questions you may have!