We invite departments, clubs, and organizations to submit proposals for Family Weekend 2022. These programs will take place October 28 - 30 around campus to engage students and families with the Rensselaer community. This is a great way to highlight your department, programs, club, or organization. Please enter your response and program details here to reserve a place in the Family Weekend schedule. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Family Weekend Committee at fye@rpi.edu. Submissions will be accepted through September 16, 2022.
Protocols permitting, we are planning to host an in-person Family Weekend!
We ask that the contact person for the event be responsive to further communication via email leading up to your event. It is important to note that you are responsible for reserving the space needed for your event.
Thank you for showing the families of the Rensselaer community what we are all about!
-Family Weekend Planning Committee