RPI Acronyms Defined by Category

ALAC - Advising & Learning Assistance Center

Arch - Summer Semester on Campus and Semester Away Experience

BCBP - Biochemistry & Biophysics

BFMB - Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology

BIAM - Bioinformatics and Molecular Biology (Accelerated Albany Med Program)

BME/BMED - Biomedical Engineering 

CBIS - Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies 

CEE - Civil & Environmental Engineering

CEPM - Center for Engineering Precision Medicine

CMDIS - Center for Materials, Devices, and Integrated Systems 

COMM+D - Center for Global Communication and Design 

COP - Continued on Probation

DAIC - Digital, Artificial Intelligence, and Computing

DCC - Darrin Communications Center 

DSIS - Design, Innovation, and Society

EBESS - Institute for Energy, the Built Environment, and Smart Systems

ECSE - Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering

EMAC - Electronic Media, Arts, and Communication

EMPAC - Experimental Media & Performing Arts Center

FYIP/FIP - First-Year Intervention Program

GFI - Global Freshwater Institute 

GSAS - Games Simulation Arts and Sciences

HASS - Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences 

IEA - Introduction to Engineering Analysis

IHSS - Interdisciplinary HASS Course identifier

I-PERSIST - Integrative Program for Education, Research, and Support Involving Science and Technology                            (Chemistry I and Physics I Mentors) 

ISE/ISYE - Industrial and Systems Engineering

ITWS - Information Technology and Web Science 

J-ROWL - Jonsson-Rowland

MANE - Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering

MRC - Materials Research Center

MSE - Materials Science and Engineering

Pass/No Credit - Grading option

POP - Placed on Probation

RARE Center - Rensselaer Astrobiology Research and Education Center 

RICKTTS- Ricketts 

SAP - Satisfactory Academic Progress

SoE - School of Engineering

SoS - School of Science 

STSH - Science and Technology Studies, Humanities

STSO - Science, Technology, and Society

STSS - Science and Technology Studies, Social Science

UPIP - Undergraduate Probation Intervention Program

VCC - Vorhees Computing Center

C+CC - Chapel + Culture Center

CCPD - Center for Career and Professional Development

CLASS - Clustered Learning, Advocacy, and Support for Students

DEI - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

DOD - Dean on Duty

DotCIO - Division of the Chief Information Officer

DPS - Department of Public Safety (see also Pub Safe)

DSS - Disability Services for Students

EWS - Electronic Warning System

FYE - First-Year Experience  

Garnet Baltimore - Garnet Baltimore Research and Entrepreneurial Scholars

IPAC - Located in archway entering Quad from 15th Street (I-PERSIST)

ISSS - International Services for Students and Scholars

ITSSC - Information Technology Services and Support Center

LA - Learning Assistants (ALAC)

LOA - Leave of Absence

OGE - Office of Graduate Education

Pub Safe - Public Safety (see also DPS)

RA - Resident Assistant

RCS ID - Rensselaer Computing System ID (e.g. smithj or smithj4) 

SARP - Student Activities Resource Person 

SIS - Self-Service Information System 

STRIVE - Connects underrepresented first-year students with upper-class mentors 

’86 Field - Location of many large, outdoor events

ACM-W - Association for Computing Machinery – Women in Computing

ACSLD - Archer Center for Student Leadership Development

AS&RC - Alumni Sports & Recreation Center (Armory)

BARH - Burdett Avenue Residence Hall

COG - Center of Gravity (Office of Student Success program)

ECAV - East Campus Athletic Village 

E-Complex - Residential Area consisting of the following buildings:
                             Cassatt, Clement, Hearne, Hirai, Voorhees, Waite   

ESW - Engineers for a Sustainable World      

EWB - Engineers without Borders

Freshman Hill - Residential Area consisting of the following buildings:
                                 Bray, Cary, Crockett, Davison, Hall, Nason, Nugent, Sharp, Warren

GradISA - Graduate Indian Students Association

LEAP - Leadership Educators Advising Peers (Archer Center)

NRB - Navigating Rensselaer and Beyond

NSBE - National Society of Black Engineers 

PLP - Professional Leadership Program (Archer Center)

PLS - Professional Leadership Series (Archer Center) 

Quad - Residential Area consisting of the following buildings: 
                    Buck, Caldwell, Church (I-VI), Cooper, Hunt (I-III), MacDonald, Pardee, Roebling, White (I-IV)

RAHP A/B - Rensselaer Apartment Housing Project A&B 

RSDH - Russell Sage Dining Hall

SHPE - Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

SWE - Society of Women Engineers

Box - File Sharing and Collaboration Platform 

Canva - Online design program for creating signs, fliers, social media, etc.

Carousel - Rensselaer’s digital signage software 

Handshake - Online job posting site (Work Study and CCPD)

LMS - Learning Management System

Percipio - Online Training Module Platform

WebEx - Meeting, Messaging, and Webinar Platform

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